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  • Launching Secure Transparency for Digital Privacy

    Our mission is focused on secure transparency to scale trust in digital services in the age of AI

    Secure transparency is public digital infrastructure so we can all see and stop surveillance captitalism

    Request a Secure Transparency Report

    White Hat Reporting Service
  • Transparency Performance Indicator Rating

    TPIs measure the performance of transparency. For example if transparency is secure or if consent is legally valid. A mission critical tool for digital public infrastructure in development so that we can all see security and surveillance.

    Developed in the Kantara ANCR WG - __Transparency Performance Indicators __ enable people to see security and protect themselves.

    Learn More

    Transparency Performance Indicators
  • Interested in a Secure Transparency Assessment?

    How much secret surveillance and misinformation is hidden in your services?

    Contact the Global Privacy Rights Team for a consultation and learn more about WHiSSPR Risk Rating.

    Contact Us

    Secure Transparency Risk Rating

We are the Global Privacy Rights security company engineering next generation security and privacy through transparency standards.

Join us in empowering digital public infrastructure through standardised records of transparency to govern digital identity practices.

The Global Privacy Rights company is a non-profit organisation, which means the public profits from our work, as a new start-up launching in October 2024, we are on the hunt for Sponsors who share our mission to address surveillance capitalism with security transparency that scales operational transparency. A mission we can share so we can proudly promote and support our sponsors, members, and community.

Mission Sponsors

  • Wiki Suite

This October we are coming out of stealth to launch 0PN Transparency Lab projects, with our first project focused on blocking cookies and pixels in Quebec Canada, to make way for regulated transparency and consent. If you support this mission, become a brand sponsor or donate as an individual and lets stop secret surveillance with secure transparency.

Newsletter sponsorship coming soon, with the launch of our newsletter, where we will provide you the latest in transparency and surveillance news, covering big market developments around the battle to replace secret surveillance, using terms, conditions and privacy policies we have never read, with international surveillance and privacy policies that apply to all services online.