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0PN Digital Transparency Lab 

The OPN Digital Transparency Laboratory (0PN Lab for shortform) caters to Global Privacy Rights Partners, Members, and pilot program participants, and project incubators.

 In the Lab

Members are invited to get involed in trials, forums, and the

0PN Policy Development Groups

  1. Transparnecy Code of Conduct
  2. 0PN Digital Privacy Policy, Notices, statements, notifications, discsolsures
  3. 0PN identification and access management 
  4. 0PN Dynamic Data Governance & Signaling 
  5. 0PN Notary Assurance Framework  

Webinars, courses, and certification for  Data Privacy Officers are in development.  

0PN Risk Assurance Clinics for SupplyChainsm 

  • Assessing current practices for transparnecy performance. Secure Transparency & Consent Standard record information structure
  • Transparency Performance Indicators; and Secure Transparency implementation guide standard for enforcement
  • anonymous privacy complaint service, with high assurance 
  • Notice receipts to replace user names and logins - make the internet safe for kids

