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  1. Consent by Default, means that a notice is read with consent, and that the first notice will confirm consent or present another legal justification, before or at the time of data processing.
  2. This engender trust and streamlines digital services, so that you can assume that a digital service is used with the lawful basis of consent, and that our service is designed to respect your privacy and anonymity by default. We do not track you, collect identifiers or profile you, and will not do so without your explicit permission. See Permission Ettiquette.
  3. You have arrived here without deception and misinformation. This means that additional permissions, or consent is not required, although we may need permission to process permission, this would be bound to this implied consent to provide you services that involve the processing of your personal data. A consented notice receipt is then required.
  4. Your permission, bound to this consent is required to extend your consent to collect, capture, infer, process, store and or disclose your personal information in accordance to what you would reasonably expect,
  5. 0PN works to implement international and Open Standard Record and Receipt Transparency, which is used for all notice, notifications and disclosure, using legally standard vocabulary.
  6. All Processing of personal information is logged, and linked to the notice receipt provided, and anchored by your control of it, in future versions, a receipt can then be used to see when your personal data is being processed.
  7. A log of your interaction with this notice is kept as proof of your knowledge, your engagement, participation and permission to process your personally identifiably information. (Coming soon: A notice receipt is provided, so that you can use this to manage your consent and control your data on your own terms. As a notice receipt can be used to direct consent for a secondary purpose for processing )