We Engineer with Global Transparency
At Global Privacy Rights, we work to upgrade analogue security and privacy to digital privacy. We believe transparent and standardised security is the foundation of digital security and privacy. Transparency quality and standards are the critical enabler for security and privacy rights, univerally required for humans to be able to see and trust security and privacy. Security and privacy transparency mis-information, impedes the ability for individuals to use security or rights to control personal infomration, is acces and use by systems.
Our Mission
Our mission is to:
• implement regulated transpaerncy and consent, with the intnerational Convention 108+ Treaty that is expected to be ratified in 2025. This treaty celebrated on January 28, every year, as international privacy day.
- Standardised privacy policy, ,drives the development and applicaton of technogies and innvation in data governance.
- Support, digital privacy standards and practices to upgrade and replace analouge security and privacy enforcement and transparency processes.
- Specify policy and conduct for standardised digital transparency, referring to digitally recorded, notice events, that can be secured, synced and assured
- Contribute to the community of standards, industry and councils that work on, develop and or support open standardised transparency.
Our Focus Areas
GPR actively contributes to specification for concentric transparency security and privacy which people (all stakeholders) can trust, including ethical design, semantics, record structure, engineering and application of data governance solutions. Standard transaprency, defined by global privacy trreaty is are applicable broadly and key to critical industries:
- Security
- Privacy
- Digital Identification
- Artificial Intelligence (AI), with a focus on generative AI
- Digitally Twinning,
The Globval Privacy Vision
Catalyse next generation data governance with standardised digital transparency, to operationalise personal data that is held in companies and servics data silo's, using mature and autortiative law and standards.
Standardised privacy and security for people opens the door for trust, data governance and personal data contol based technologies like Agentic AI. Our vision extends beyond security and privacy for data governance, but to what can be accomplishd when all the holes in governance plug.
We envison a smart, synchronic and consensus enabling data governance technolgoies and infrastructure, wiht the privacy and seucirty built in using a single privacy framework. Such a decentralisd data governance tecnologies would , open up large data flows with consent. (whiteboxed international data governance)
The Paramount Importance of Transparency over Authority & Control
Transparency is fundamental to personal data control, physical security, and contextual privacy practices. It enables individuals to mind there manners, be tactful, support one another, and collaborate, in person, humans are very adept at sensing risk, we soically:
- Recognize contextual cues
- Make informed decisions about data
- Estimate personal risk in trusting someone, or something, with personal information, and the insights and intelligence your data can produce, and be reused.
Our Activites
GPR - Public-Privacy Policy and Standards Contributions,
- Digital Transparency Code of Conduct
- Controller Transparency Identification Record
- 0PN Privacy Policy Template, which requires, publishing a notice about a Contollers - Digital Practices
- 0PN - Digital Privacy Rights, Notice Publishing Policies
Services We Provide:
Webinar, Training, Consulting, Solutions in operational personal data control and data governance.
1. **Digital Transparency; Security and Privacy Perfmance management **: Focuses on transparency requirements to operationalize as well as make dynamic control and access to personal data. In both public, private, personal and governance systems.
2. **Controller Transparency Credential **: Outlines the operational use of the standard PII Controller Record for generating digital notice logs, receipts, and tokens.
3. **0PN Privacy Policy (Consent by Default Transparency International Interoperability) **: Designed for an inclusive, digitally public privacy service. It enables transparent data governance, data consensus, and scalable secure consent in online and digital services.
International Standards and Contributions
GPR work is defined by Convention 108+ treaty and implemented with international standard framework ISO/IEC 29100 for Security and privacy. GPR provides contributes through the Canadian ISO/IEC JTC1 WG5 security and privacy in identity management, contributing actively to transaprency and AI governance.
The GPR Advisory Board, qualified for governance engineering and oversight in development and implementation of digital transparency for decentralised data governance, consent and trust.
Participating in,
Our team actively contributes to various working groups and initiatives:
- Kantara Initiative ANCR WG: Transparency Performance Report
- ISO/IEC 27901: Security and privacy in generative AI
- W3C Data Privacy Vocabulary
- W3C Consent
- 0PN - Overlays Capture Architecture
- Blinding Identification Taxonomy
Memberships and Affiliations
GPR is proud to be a participating member of several prestigious organizations:
- Data Governance Council of Canada
- Digital Identity and Authentication Council of Canada (DIACC)
- Kantara Initiative
- Open Identity Foundation
- IEEE Digital Privacy
Our Commitment to Standardization
To standardize and scale operational personal data management, with consent. GPR supports the the public commons license for a PII Controller Transparency Record. This credential uses a standardized PII Controller identification record schema, enabling personal data control and transparency to scale internationally, by generating consent records and receipts. Much like how financial governance evolved to using receipts in the past.
By focusing on these initiatives, Global Privacy Rights champions the fundamental right to transparency, and it standardisation for inclusive data governance, and autonomous personal data control.